Leroy Miller

Leroy Miller


Miller Family

How/Where have you ministered in the past?

Youth Pastor & Worship Leader at Palm Grove church in Sarasota, FL (3 yrs.)

Prison Ministry music team at Gospel Echoes in Goshen, IN (1 yr.)

Drummer for Worship Team at Believers Fellowship in Goshen, IN (1 yr.)

Worship Leader, drummer, bass player at Sunrise Chapel in Harlan, IN (6yrs.)

Youth Pastor at Sunrise Chapel in Harlan, IN (6 yrs.)

Associate Pastor at Sunrise Chapel in Harlan, IN (5 yrs.)

Vice- President of Leaders Alive International (5 yrs.)

Currently serving as Sr. Pastor at Bethesda Christian Fellowship.


Where were you born? Tuscola, IL

What has shaped your worldview? I would say the majority of my worldview early on would have been shaped by my conservative Anabaptist life’s filter. I have since discovered some things I still hold in great value, which I have held on to and others have no spiritual significance at all, so I have released them. I believe there is great importance in the values that were instilled as a young person in my growing-up years but I have also discovered those things are not what save you. You must have a personal encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to really develop a proper world view and also a Kingdom mindset.

When were you married? October 24, 1992

What brought you to BCF? God!!! I guess that is the short answer. The longer answer would be that the call of God came to move to PA with my family to assist Harvest View Leadership Team in establishing Leadership and structure in the church.

What are your passions? I love to study God’s Word and uncover the mysteries of the Scriptures! A good friend of mine would say, “The mysteries of Scripture are hidden for you, not from you”!!! I also have a passion for deliverance ministry, to see the captives set free!!!

Fun Facts:

What are the names of your children? Cameron Seth & Rachel Brooke

Hobbies: I enjoy a good round of golf!

Pets: I do not need pets in my life for fulfillment. I do however have a lot of history with horses because I used to be a Farrier (Horseshoer) for 17 yrs.

Interesting Facts: My Father was a Farrier for 49 yrs. I started my own business when I was 18 yrs old as a Farrier. The most expensive horse I ever worked on was a horse named Farmaway who won the Pimlico Special by setting a new track record and won over 2 million dollars as a 4 yr old. His owner, George Bunn, (inventor of the Bunn-o-matic coffee makers) was offered 10 million for him after he won the Pimlico Special and he turned him down!!!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to go back to Israel again! Hawaii would be my second choice. I’m still believing God may call us to start a ministry in Maui!! 🙂

Favorite Bible verse: Isa 43:18 “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.

Favorite Book(s): A Tale of Three Kings, The Prisoner in the Third cell, Every Man’s Battle, Ablaze with His Glory…

Dream or Goal: To be a professional Golfer!!! I know it’s a lofty ambition, but I can still dream!! My realistic goal is to be the best Husband, Father, & Leader I can possibly be, by God’s Grace!!

Associate Pastor
Marcus Gehman