Verlin Wenger

Verlin Wenger


How are you currently serving at BCF?

I spend about one day a week as an administrative pastor. Between working on miscellaneous computer/technical needs, managing rental requests,  taking care of the church finances, & many other things, it seems my to do list never quite ends.


Where were you born? Ephrata, PA

What has shaped your worldview? Even though I grew up in a conservative Weaverland Conference Mennonite church, my parents were constantly seeking for more of God and that brought me exposure to many different groups. I experienced the conviction and infilling of the Holy Spirit when responding to one of the many sermons I heard preached in revival & tent meetings. Hearing many testimonies of lives set free by the power that is in the Name of Jesus gave me a hunger for more of who God is! As an older teenager, my brother and I would often attend meetings where there were times of prophetic ministry and the gifts of the Spirit were in operation. Out of all this and more, I learned/experience more of how awesome God is and that he desires to work through us (in spite of our weaknesses) to bring glory to His Name.

When were you married? May 24th, 2003

What brought you to BCF? Interestingly enough, my family didn’t know anyone at this congregation before we visited the first time. I started attending a weekly early morning prayer meeting and sensed the sincerity and hunger for God in the men. After going to those prayer meetings for many months our family started attending regularly.

What are your passions? My passion is to see God gloried through His bride, His church, as they are lovers of Him and of His truth so that this world has no part in them, which will allow God to receive all the glory due to his Name. We serve an awesome God!


Fun Facts:

How many children do you have and what are their names? My wife, Rose and I have three children, Weston, Adara, & Jaden.

Hobbies: For as long as I remember I loved to read! I remember reading lots mystery/adventure books. Today I still love to read non-fiction Christian books of all types, but I don’t find the time to read as much as I used to. I also take time to read the news to see what is happening on the national and global level. It is often exciting and sobering to see how current events are fulfilling Bible prophecy!

Pets: I grew up with having dogs –first Cocker Spaniels, and later Golden Retrievers, but right now I don’t have any pets.

Interesting Facts: I grew up on a farm raising pigs and steers. I enjoy learning about alternative energy solutions. Currently I am managing a chicken layer house for my uncle.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to go to Israel again, to see firsthand the places that I have read about in the Bible!

Favorite Bible verse: John 17:23 is one of my favorite verses.

Favorite Book(s): The Bible, The Heavenly Man, Fresh Wind Fresh Fire

Associate Pastor
Marcus Gehman
Senior Pastor
Leroy Miller